The Landscape Theater


from 10.30 to 18.30 (last visit at 17.30)

the museum is always open by reservation for groups of min. 20 people


Individual visitors: €7.00 for both museums – Plaster Ceiling Museum + Landscape Theater; €5.00 for a single museum – Plaster Ceiling Museum or Landscape Theatre

Family ticket: 10,00 € 

groups (upon reservation): €4.00 for one museum only and €6.00 for both museums.

Free for residents of Maglianesi, for children up to 14 years of age, for holders of the Torino Musei pass and for visitors with disabilities.

+39 0173 38 66 97


The hilly landscape of the Langhe and Roero

The landscape of the Langhe and Roero is an inseparable intertwining of man-made nature and humanized by peasant labor, of culture and production that manifest themselves through forms and products of the earth of exceptional value, and of stratified memory of generations. 

This landscape, which today appears as harmonious and natural, is not the result of chance, but is the product of a compelling long-lasting history, which the rooms of the Landscape Museum focus on through documents, knowledge, material knowledge. and immaterial, testimony of a past that becomes present and a project for the future.

A “Landscape Theater” that helps to read the scenarios of the Langa and Roero, making the farmers actors of life stories, because, as Nuto Revelli said, “without the people the Langhe become a wonderful, but dull stage”.

Researching and defending the sense of beauty to capture the deep soul of places is, ultimately, fighting for life and freedom.

Antonio Adriano

We are in the 60s and 70s and in our countryside lots of farmers, while continuing to cultivate the land on Saturdays and Sundays, go to work in factories.  The city contact and the family arrival of a payroll bring about changes in their lives with the consequent desire to get rid of what had marked years of toil and poverty. It is the period in which a lot of objects of material culture are thrown away or sold to antique dealers and some ancient popular festivals are abandoned.

At the same time another event occurs, perhaps more dangerous: the most educated young people (still few) leave the country, which does not seem to offer them any chances of emancipation, and choose the city, considering the city culture more suited to their social status and more promising for their future.



In Magliano it is created a group of young people led by Antonio Adriano, then followed, as well in other villages of Langa and Roero.
Its aim is to oppose the phenomenon of leaving the countryside, stressing the importance of peasants’ life.
It is thus important to collect the evidences, by telling and saving those aspects that could work as bridge over the future.

Those boys think that it could be a social and cultural damage to deprive little areas of new energies, becoming anonymous dormitory suburbs.
So it takes life in a short time a movement involving young people aiming at the recovery of traces in the local history, the revival of some popular feasts, not totally disappeared, with their function, not secondary one, of aggregation and defense of the area from the indiscriminate invasion of concrete and of a construction pseudo-urban that is deleting every aesthetic or architectural mark left by the ancestral.
From these intents some objects, songs and life stories collections arise.
An attention is focused on planning regulations that wouldn’t be intrusive, but they would insert the new harmonically in the wake of the past.
Groups of educated young people decided to put energies and knowledge at the service of their community.
A period of intense activity passes and the need is felt, we are at the beginning of the1990’s, to tell, for instance in a museum, this story and those stories.
A first research is about the phenomenon of plaster-ceilings decorated, realized in the peasants homes.
Until reaching the first years of 2000’s, when some activities started including the restoration of the rooms in the West wing, which will give life to the Museum” The landscape Theater”.

This Museum is thus the result of a collaborative work started towards the end of the 1960’s, the result of the passion of a friends’ group who retraced the roots of the rural culture. The intent was not only to collect and  preserve the memory: it was through the recovery of their history’s roots, to rebuild a  collective consciousness.

From that experience, thanks to the initiative of the administration led by the mayor Luigi Carosso, started the work of young researchers of the University of Pollenzo in  Gastronomic Sciences, who chose to put at the centre of this exhibition the peasant, who in his millenary action has shaped the hills of Langhe and Roero and has connoted the culture.

Not only Museum of the territory, but theatre of the landscape, whose territory is the emotional angle, since it overlaps the physicality of the places the life of the people.